Creating additional user accounts

By having their own accounts, users can manage their own files, data sets, and programs, as well as manage their own Python virtual environments, conda virtual environments, and Docker containers.

Also, by having additional accounts, you can assign system administrator privileges to other users.

You can add user accounts from the Users panel in GNOME Settings:

  1. Press the key on your keyboard to open the Activities overview. Then, type users.

  2. Click Users to open the Users panel in GNOME Settings.

  3. Click Unlock at the top of the panel, then click Add User.

  4. For Account Type, choose either Standard or Administrator.

    • Standard account users can create, modify, and delete only their own files, not system files or other users’ files. Standard account users also can change their own settings only, not system settings or other users’ settings.

    • Administrator account users have the same privileges as standard account users. However, administrator account users can also create, modify, and delete system files and other users’ files. Administrator account users can also change their system settings and other users' settings.

  5. For Full Name, enter the user’s full name, that is, their “real” name or name they use to identify themselves.

  6. For Username, enter the name the user will use to log into the system. This name will also be the name of the user’s home directory, for example, /home/username.

  7. Under Password, choose either Allow user to set a password when they next login, or Set a password now.

    If you choose to set a password now, in the Password field, enter a custom password, or click the to automatically generate a password.

  8. Click Add at the top of the dialog to add the user.

Last modified September 27, 2023: Add PDF of Vector quickstart guide draft (4fa4943)